In his interview, Charles Poliquin, describes growing up in a big family in Lewiston and the changes in the community. He shares his experience working in the Lown and Falcon shoe shop and trying to support his family after dropping out of school at 15. Poliquin...
Cecile Brodeur was born and raised in Lewiston, she speaks about growing up in a big family and having to work in the mills with her 11 siblings at 18 in order to support the family. She worked in the card room at the Bates Mill, and she talks about her experience...
Bernadette Cloutier worked in the Production Department of the Bates Mill, her job was to decide the color of the spread and to change the colors on the looms. She shares how she got started, in the finishing room and then operating the switchboard. Cloutier describes...
Ray and Rita Thibault worked various jobs in the shoe mills. Ray discusses his job as a pattern maker and Rita talks about her childhood and work as well. Both speak positively of the shoe industry.
Germain Letourneau was a worker at the Hill and Bates Mill. He initially discusses his family and then his jobs as a supervisor at the mills, including a strike he helped organize. He also describes the step-by-step process of making yarn.