For December, we are highlighting these images of Peck’s Department store during the holiday season. At the time of its opening in 1899, Peck’s was considered the largest and most significant department store in Maine. During each Christmas Season, visitors from all...
Following the tragic events of October 25, 2023 Maine MILL began working with the City of Lewiston, the Lewiston-Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, and artist Tanja Hollander to collect memorial items (such as candles, Lewiston Strong signage, posters, hearts,...
Maine Museum of Innovation, Learning and Labor (Maine MILL) is a history and culture museum, and as such we are working with the City of Lewiston, the Lewiston-Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, and artist Tanja Hollander to collect memorial items (such as...
For the month of October, we’re featuring a Bates Fabriques Hockey jersey from the 1950s. The Fabriques were just one of the many sports teams the Bates Manufacturing Company supported throughout its operation. There were several other textile manufacturers in the...
With back-to-school season in motion, our object of the month for September is this 1940s Bates dorm bedspread commercial featuring students from colleges and universities across the United States. The film introduces the Bates Mill marketing strategy of “College...