Industrial Revolution
New England was a hub of activity during the Industrial Revolution. The mass production of goods became possible through inventions, innovation, new technologies, and the standardization of methods and productions of products. Learn more about this and our community’s contribution.
Our Working Waterway
Below you will find an interactive map of the industrial history around the Androscoggin River. Explore to learn more about how to river was a catalyst for rapid industrial development for our region.
Historical Maps
These MaineMemoryNet maps from the Maine Historical Society Collection show Lewiston-Auburn in 1820 and again in 1851. Click here to zoom into the 1820 map. To gain a sense of where you are looking in the 1820 map, the Great Falls are in the upper right corner of the map. Click here to zoom into the 1851 map. Notice the many streets that have been built near the mills and factories being built at this time of the Industrial Revolution.